App/buttons not showing / Reset Cookies

Why can’t I see your app or the BNB buttons?
Sometimes an older version of our app page is stored in your browser as a cookie.

How can I fix this?

  1. Go to Apps Page & click on our App
  2. If you see this <screenshot>, you have an older cookie.
  3. Try to refresh your browser:
    1. MAC: hold down Command + R key
    2. PC: press F5 key or hold down CTRL button + F5 key (hard refresh)
    3. MOBILE: Pull page down
  4. If unsuccessful, follow instructions by deleting browser cookies and history for 1 month here
  5. Repeat steps 1-3 and during step 4, try deleting all cookies and history from browser
  6. If unsuccessful, try another browser like firefox, safari, chrome, internet explorer.