Button Options


  1. Library
    1. choose predefined options <view screenshot>
    2. Button is STATIC, but alignment and margins can be changed.
  2. Upload
    1. import any button graphic <view screenshot>
    2. View + download additional button graphics <download graphics>
    3. Button is STATIC, but alignment and margins can be changed.
    4. Maximum button Image Dimensions 700 x 200 PX
  3. Custom đź’— recommended
    1. fully customizable <view screenshot>
    2. Button is DYNAMIC. Alignment, margins, text, border + more can be changed.



  1. Button Width
    1. Fit Text: button size based on text <view screenshot>
    2. Fill Available đź’— recommended: button fills available space <view screenshot>
    3. Fit Desktop/Mobile: button adjustable for desktop / mobile
      1. How to determine PX width for desktop/mobile – watch video
      2. Tutorial video above uses Google Chrome browser.
  2. Button Align
    1. Left, Right or Center
    2. not applicable if you choose Full Width Button.
  3. Button Margin
    1. Top/Bottom: 10 px recommended
    2. Left/Right: 0 px recommended